Sunday, November 4, 2012


Pack Meeting 
27th November 2012

Den Assignments:

Wolves: Prayers

Bears: Flag Ceremony

Webelos: Treats

Theme: Citizenship

the state of being vested with the rights, privileges, and duties of a citizen.

the character of an individual viewed as a member of society; behavior in terms of the duties, obligations, and functions of a citizenan award for good citizenship.

Cedar 2nd-8th Ward Wolf Cub Scouts activities for November

During the month of November the Wolves will be working on achievement number 11 which is Duty to God page 94 in the Wolf Book.
November 7th Den Meeting: 4 pm (Wed):  Church meeting house.  If at all possible we would like one of the Cub Scout parents to attend with their son.  We will be discussing achievement No. 11 and how it will help the boys in their Faith in God award in Primary.  It will be helpful for the parents to know and understand how the boys can receive the Faith in God by the time they finish Primary.
Please bring Wolf Book as we will be working from the book.

November 14th: Den Meeting (Wed): 4 pm at the church: We will do  a service project, to complete requirement 11d.

November 21st: no den meeting because it is the day before Thanksgiving and families may be leaving for the holiday.

November 27th  (Tuesday):  Pack meeting 6:30 at Church.
Jack is Den leader for month of Nov.  If you have questions please call Brother or Sister Brinkerhoff  867-6 007.

Bear schedule November/December

November - December Bears Facts & Fun - Packs 330 & 334

We meet at Charla’s house (554 Cedarwood Terrace) on Tuesday at 4:00-5:00.  Please have each boy wear their uniform and bring their Bear Handbook, Journal & assignments to EACH meeting!
Date   # Pages Activity Assignments to bring the NEXT week
11/ 6   6 56-63 Take Care of Your Planet - We do 6c & 6g Choose one more and sign and bring for next week.  Also please have boys work on completing Language & Communicating Belt Loops.  Have them practice sign language.
11/13 Catch up on Communicating & Language Belt Loops
11/27 Pack Meeting - Citizenship - 6:30 Bears need to be there at 6:15 to practice flag ceremony
12/6   1 26-29 Catch up & Ways We Worship - 1B in regards to Christmas
12/13 Christmas Party
12/27 NO SCOUTS  - NO PACK Meeting Be working on Pinewood Derby Cars

Bear Class Code:
B - Bring book and assignments every week

E - Energy used appropriately - having fun  without hurting others, property, or self.

A - Always be kind and courteous - taking turns in all things - including speaking and activities.

R - Respect each other, ourselves, our building, and our earth in our actions, our voice, and our language.

The Denner is the leader of the Bear Pack for the month.  He is responsible for leading the Bears in our opening and closing activities help where needed and/or assigned.  He also CALLS and reminds the boys about the upcoming Bear meeting.    The Bear Denners are:  November - Taylor Knight, December - Chris Maxwell
THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO to help your Cub Scout succeed!  Your boys are great!    Charla Sorensen  (586-1278 or 590-0088) & Tammy Mendenhall  (586-1559) Below are the BEARS PHONE NUMBERS!

Nathan Stubbs 531/0427 or 559-9745
Jake Tom (435) 691-0360    
Nathan & Taylor Knight (435)865-5972
Trae Elison 592-5020
Chris Maxwell (435) 865-7474   
 Michael Nelson (719) 629-8797
Jason Butterfield 531-6112

Webelos November

The Webelos just finished their Readyman. We learned CPR and the heimlech menuever with assistance from "Annie"! Firstaid, snakebites, spiderbites/ identification were discussed and cares were practiced. Our homework was to go home and make sure our fire alarms and carbon monoxide monitors were in working order to keep our families safe. We are truely prepared! We are now working on our Fitness badge. The boys are keeping track of their meals/snacks and trying to eat better.  - Candace Freire

Monday, October 8, 2012


Halloween Clipart Image: Halloween Theme Showing Vampire Bats, a Full Moon and a Jack O' Lantern

Pack Meeting 
October 23rd 6:30 pm

Pack Assignments:

Prayers: Bears

Flag Ceremony: Webelos

Treat: Wolves

Awards & Chairs: Cub Master

Wolf Schedule For October:

Bear Schedule October:


Sign Language Part of Communicating Belt Loop & Language Belt Loop. 
Copies of requirements given out at meeting for parents to see what to do at home
Ways We Worship #1a & #1b

Information Please. #17b, #17c.
17a + one more

Weather Academics Loop & Pin
Copies of requirements given out at meeting for parents to see what to do at home

Pack Meeting - 2nd Ward bldg. 6:30
Bears responsible for prayers

Bear Class Code:
B - Bring book and assignments every week
- Energy used appropriately - having fun  without hurting others, property, or self.
A - Always be kind and courteous - taking turns in all things - including speaking and activities.
- Respect each other, ourselves, our building, and our earth in our actions, our voice, and our language.
The Denner is the leader of the Bear Pack for the month.  He is responsible for leading the Bears in our opening and closing activities help where needed and/or assigned.  He also CALLS and reminds the boys about the upcoming Bear meeting.    The Bear Denners are: September - Nathan Knight, October - Trae ElisonNovember - Taylor KnightDecember - Chris Maxwell

Webelos Schedule:

Tuesday, September 4, 2012



Theme: Cooperation
Cooperation or co-operation is the process of working or acting together. In its simplest form it involves things working in harmony, while in its more complicated forms, it can involve something as complex as the inner workings of a human being or even the social patterns of a nation.

Prayers: Webelos

Flag Ceremony: Wolves

Treats: Bears

Don't forget to get your Heritage Belt Loop assignment done with your Family and share with your Den what you found out!

Wolf Schedule For September:

Wolf Cub Scout Activities for September 2012 from Brother and Sister Brinkerhoff:  Following are the achievements and Den activities we will be working on with your boys:  Please help us help the boys to complete requirements.  Thanks for your support.

September 5, 2012:  4 pm at church: Wednesday
The cub Scouts will be working on Achievement # 3 Keep your Body Health on p.57.  The boys will bring home a chart of health habits, they should track for 2 weeks.  Please help your sons follow through and complete the Health Chart.

September 12, 2012:  4 pm at church: Wednesday
The Cub Scouts will complete elective 16 on p. 188 in Cub Scout Book.  In a family home evening or other time please talk with your family about what to do in case of an emergency, where to meet and what you would like your Cub Scout to be responsible for.  Sign in the scout book that you have completed  this with your son.  We will be putting together simple first aid kits.  During the month we also hope to complete elective 11 on p. 162.  If you notice your Cubs singing songs about cub scouts, please encourage this activity.

September 19, 2012: 4 pm at church:  Wednesday
Cub Scout bring health Chart to leaders at Den Meeting.      We will continue with elective 11, learning and singing Cub Scout songs.  Cubs please bring your Family Group Sheet and poster.  Each scout will be able to talk about his poster and family.  This activity earns the Scout another belt loop.

Please work with your son on the family group sheet that Brother Weaver gave out at Pack Meeting.


"The Bears meet at 4:00 on Tuesdays.  We do the Cub Scout handshake, say the Scout Promise, sing our "BEAR SONG", and pray every week at the beginning.  We work on achievements, play games, and watch for the cuckoo to come out of the cuckoo clock.  Our favorite games are Goo Pah Chi, Water Balloon Volleyball, and SPUD. We love our parents and are glad they help us."   

Sept - October Bears Facts & Fun - Packs 330 & 334

We meet at Charla’s house (554 Cedarwood Terrace) on Tuesday at 4:00-5:00.  Please have each boy wear their uniform and bring their Bear Handbook, Journal & assignments to EACH meeting!
Assignments to bring the NEXT week
What Makes America Special a, e, f,( j - home assignment.
18a, 18b page 141
Jot It Down #18 g & h  (we did 8g on  7/17)

What’s Cooking? #9a Parents choose 3 more
3 out of #9 - bring signed book on which

Pack Meeting - 2nd Ward bldg. 6:30
Bears responsible for Treats

Sign Language Part of Communicating Belt Loop & Language Belt Loop. 
Copies of requirements given out at meeting for parents to see what to do at home
Ways We Worship #1a & #1b

Information Please. #17b, #17c.
17a + one more

Weather Academics Loop & Pin
Copies of requirements given out at meeting for parents to see what to do at home

Pack Meeting - 2nd Ward bldg. 6:30
Bears responsible for prayers
Bear Class Code:
B - Bring book and assignments every week
E - Energy used appropriately - having fun  without hurting others, property, or self.
A - Always be kind and courteous - taking turns in all things - including speaking and activities.
R - Respect each other, ourselves, our building, and our earth in our actions, our voice, and our language.
The Denner is the leader of the Bear Pack for the month.  He is responsible for leading the Bears in our opening and closing activities help where needed and/or assigned.  He also CALLS and reminds the boys about the upcoming Bear meeting.    The Bear Denners are: September - Nathan Knight, October - Trae Elison, November - Taylor Knight, December - Chris Maxwell
THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO to help your Cub Scout succeed!  Your boys are great! 
Charla Sorensen  (586-1278 or 590-0088) & Tammy Mendenhall  (586-1559 or 590-0820)


Ben Hatch 586-9818       Nathan Stubbs 531/0427 or 559-9745      Trae Ellison  592-5020

Jake Tom (435) 691-0360 or 691-2598  Nathan & Taylor Knight (435)865-5972   

Chris Maxwell (435) 865-7474      Jason Butterfield (435) 531-6112


Tuesday, August 7, 2012


We have had a great summer  with lots of activities; The Scout Expo in May, Wolf, Bear and Webelo  Day Camps in June with lots of requirements passed off, and a great Flag Raising Ceremony in on July 24th for the 2nd wards Pancake Breakfast.

I want to thank all the Den leaders for the many Den meetings and hard work, you are the machine that keeps our Pack going!!

School is just around the corner and our regular Pack Meetings will begin on the 28th of August at 6:30pm at the 2nd Ward building as usual, please be on time the boys will be receiving lots of awards from all their work this summer.


Pack Meeting Assignments

Cub Master: Set Up, Awards

Wolfs: Prayers

Bears: Flag Ceremony

Webelos: Treats

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

24th of July Flag Ceremony performed by the Wolf Den!

The PACK!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Bear Den Arrested Today!!!

Breaking News!!

Bear Den LOCKED! up at Cedar City Police Station.

Immates: Chris M,Taylor & Nathan K, Nathan S, Trea E, Ender B.

Monday, July 2, 2012


Happy 236th Birthday USA!!

We will meet this month on the July 24th for a Flag Raising Ceremony prior to the 2nd Wards annual Pancake Breakfast @ 6:45am.

I would like all available scouts and leaders to meet in their uniforms and assist  the Wolf Den at the 2nd Ward Building on 900 West at 630am.

Opening Ceremony Scout Expo 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May / June Activities Pack 330 & 334

Scout Expo Schedule:

Saturday May 19, 2012 Cedar High Soccer Field
Opening Ceremony 8:30am - 9:00am

 Each Den group will be assigned to work the booth for an 1 1/2 hrs.

Wolves 9:00am - 10:30am

Bears 10:30am - 12:00am

Webeloes 12:00pm - 1:30pm

* All Cubs return to help clean up and take down our Booth

Parents please pack a lunch and plenty of water for you Cub and make sure they wear sunscreen.

Cub Scout Day Camp:

June 2, 2012 Three Peaks

Wolves and Bears 8:00am 12:30pm

Lots of activities to get belt loops awards.

hats and sunscreen would be a good idea to wear to Camp. 

*We will meet promptly at the church on 900 West @7:30 and leave no later than 7:40.

We still need parents to help drive and or pick up the boys. Please call or email me if you can do either.

Heath forms need to be signed and turned in to Den Leader or myself prior to attending. Get a form from me or your Den Leader.

Webeloes Day Camp

June 30, 2012 Three Peaks

Fathers are encouraged to attend with their Cub.

Meet at the Church 900 West 7:30am leave together @ 7:40am

8:00am - 3:00pm

Lunch will be provided

Each boy will receive an Achievement Pendant, Neckerchief and slide.

Lots of activities to get belt loops awards.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Parents: please read and discuss these tips with your Cub Scout before he begins selling his tickets!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Events


Cubs, Family, and Leaders participate in a "Round Dance" at Pack Meeting

Shoni John explains about Paiute customs and clothing

April  Activities

Theme: Faith: Firm belief in something that cant be seen.

21st April  10-12pm Iron Mission State Park Activity Day $2 per Cub Scout
Please plan on attending with your Den their will be many activities to earn awards!

24th April 6:30pm Pack Meeting
This Pack Meeting will spent preparing for the Scout Expo, our booth will be focused on Indian Lore & Signs

Wolves: Treats   Stick Game

Bears: Prayers   Sand Pictures

Webelos: Flag Ceremony    Indian Signs, Poster Boards, Markers


Spencer  Nelson and Linden Jackson

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March 2012

Thanks to all those who assisted and attended another great Blue & Gold Banquet! 

This month we will be compassionate to many in our community who our less fortunate, as a pack we will be handing out food bags for the annual Scouting for Food drive on March 20th at 4:00pm  for the 2nd and 8th Wards. We will need all the help we can get so be ready to run around the neighborhood for a good cause!

March 27th  Pack Meeting Assignments:

Theme: Compassion:  A feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.

27 March 2012 6:30 PM 

Wolves:  Flag Ceremony

Bears:  Treats

Webelos:  Prayers

Sunday, February 5, 2012



Love Clipart Image: Tiger in Love With Box of Chocolates and Red Roses
Happy Valentines Day !!

28th February 2012, 6:30pm
Blue and Gold Banquet

Pack Assignments:

Wolves: Assigned Items 

Bears: Prayers

Webelos: Flag Ceremony

January Pinewood Derby Winners     
1st Place Tyler Garrison
2nd Place Chris Maxwell
3rd Spencer Murray