Wednesday, November 30, 2011

December 2011

There will be no Pack Meeting this month.

 Have a great Christmas Holiday and a Happy New Year!

Sean, Dallen, and Michael receiving their Arrow of Light award, and last official Pack Meeting.

Friday, November 11, 2011

November Events

Normally we hold Pack Meetings on the 4th Tuesday of every month but because of Thanksgiving and busy schedules we will hold it on Tuesday the 29th at 6:30. We will not be having a Pack Meeting in December so please mark this on your calendars.

November Pack Meeting Assignments:
Prayers: Bears

Flag Ceremony: Webelos

Treat: Wolves

November Theme: Citizenship 
Contributing service and showing responsibility to Local, State, and National communities. Cub scouts demonstrate good citizenship as they participate in scouts, show respect for others and strive to be good neighbors. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

October Events

Happy Halloween!!

Pack Meeting Agenda
October 25, 2011

Wolves: Flag Ceremony

Bears: Treats

Webelos: Prayers

Theme: Responsibility
Fulfilling our duty to God, Country, other people and ourselves. Being responsible is being dependable and doing what you say you will do.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September Activities

C O O P E R A T I O N!

Pack Meeting September 27, 2011

Theme: Cooperation

Cooperation or co-operation is the process of working or acting together. In its simplest form it involves things working in harmony, side by side, while in its more complicated forms, it can involve something as complex as the inner workings of a human being or even the social patterns of a nation. It is the alternative to working separately in competition. Cooperation can also be accomplished by computers, which can handle shared resources simultaneously, while sharing processor time.


Prayers: Wolves

Flag Ceremony: Bears

Treats: Webelos

Set up / Awards: Cub Master

See you at Pack Meeting!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

August Events

Back to School and Back to Cub Scouting!

Pack Meeting Den Assignments: Tuesday August 30, 2011
5:30 pm

Theme: Honesty

Pre-Opener & Treat   Wolves 

Opening/Closing Prayers: Bears 

Flag Ceremony:  Webelos

Awards & Advancements: Daniel & Landon

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 235th Birthday America!!


Sean, Andrew, Dallen
Nathan, Jacob, Trae, Taylor, Nathan, Chris

4th of JULY Flag Ceremony !!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

July Events!!

Our Pack will meet twice this month. We will have a Flag Ceremony on July 4th at 8:00 am at the church flag pole please be there at least 10  minutes before the ceremony. We will also meet on the 24th of July at 7:00 am, again please be there 10 minutes before we start. 


June 28th Pack Meeting

Andrew Maxwell's last Night as a Cub Scout receiving his Arrow of Light Award!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Pack Meeting Tuesday, June 28th 6:30

Mini Bike Safety / Rodeo

Themes: May: Health & Fitness , June: Perseverance

 Health Quote;
“Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.”  ~ Plato

Perseverance Quote;
When the world says, "Give up,"
Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."

Pack Meeting Assignments:

Set Up: Cub Master / Ass. Cub Master

Opening / Closing Prayers: Webelos

Flag Ceremony: Wolves

Treat: Bears

Sunday, June 5, 2011

June 25th Webelos Day Camp at Woods Ranch!!

Fathers are encouraged to attend with their Webelo it will be a great time to spend with your boy at camp.

Fathers: Please have your boys wear long pants as well as their Scout Uniform. Also bring a light jacket, bottle of water.

Woods Ranch 8:00am - 3:30pm

Camp Schedule

800-830         Arrival & Registration, Patrol Assignments
830-900         Flag Ceremony & Uniform Inspection
900 - 1200     Skills Rotation (6 classes, 25 minutes each class w/ 5 minute breaks)

1200-130        Lunch:  Sloppy Joe's, water, Apples  

130 - 230       Bow & Arrows, BB Guns, Games
200- 245        Final Preparation for Campfire
245 - 315       Program      

Thursday, June 2, 2011

June 4th: Cub Scout Day Camp 2011

Parents please have your boy(s) wear long pant, bring a jacket and also a water bottle. We will be meeting at the Church at 7:30 am and leaving no later than 7:40 so we can make the 8:00 registration at Woods Ranch. A camp T-shirt will be provided for the cubs to wear. Their will be plenty of things for the boys to learn and pass off.

Be Prepared to have fun!!  

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Scout Expo 2011

Parade of Flags!

Just a few of the many Flag carriers;
Alex Buckles, Ben Mendenhall, and Chris Maxwell


Booth Sign created by the Wolf Den.

This year our Booth was focused on the Physical Fitness Belt Loop and Pin requirements. Standing Long Jump, Curl Ups, Push Up, 50 Yard Dash, & Standing High Jump. Wolves, Bears and Webelos alike were able to start a month record of each of these events so they can eventually pass of requirement #3 in their books or Activity Badges.

Our Booth Pack 330 & 334

May Days

There will be no Pack Meeting this month because of the Scout Expo on the 21st. we will Be conbining May & Junes Pack Meetings on June 28th at 6:30. Themes- May: Physical Fitness, June: Peserverance

Scout Expo Tickets must be turned in to your boys Den Leader no later than May 4th.

This year our Cubs will have a boothe based on Physical Fitness.

Summer Dates: 

May 21st  Scout Expo 8:30am-2:00pm (Cedar High Soccer Feild)

June 4th    Cub Scout Day Camp 8:00am-1:00pm (Woods Ranch)
June 25th  Webelos Day Camp 8:00am-4:00pm (Woods Ranch) Fathers are encouraged to attend.
June 28th  Pack Meeting 6:30pm (Church)

*Their will be no Pack Meeting in July.
July 4th    Independence Day Flag Ceremony 8:00am (Church Flag Pole)
July 24th  Pioneer Day Flag Ceremony 8:00am (Church Flag Pole)

Aug 9th   Pack Meeting Pot Luck Pic-Nic 6:30

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Puppet Show Characters: Webelos Den

The Webelos as part of the Showmanship Activity badge put on a Puppet Show for everyone at Pack meeting Tuesday night April 26th. Here are some of the characters and props. Thanks for the show!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

April 26th Pack Meeting:

April Theme: Faith

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence not seen. 

Faith is essential to our development. We must have faith to insure our growth, faith in ourselves, faith in our ability, faith in the ultimate outcome of our undertaking, faith in our neighbor, faith in humanity, but above all faith in God-faith in His goodness, Faith in His presence and faith in His promises and faith in His Gospel.  O.C. Dalby  

Pack Meeting Assignments:

Wolves:  Treat

Bears:  Opening & Closing Prayers

Webeloes:  Flag Ceremony & Pre-Opener

Cub Master / Asst. Cub Master:  Set Up & Award Ceremony

Friday, April 8, 2011

$ Scout Expo Tickets are HERE! $

Please encourage you Cub to get out and sell some tickets to family, friends and neighbors. This is a great cause and provides our Cedar Breaks District and individual Pack with much needed $MONEY$ to keep our pack going. The boys will also be given a gift card depending on how many tickets they sell.

Each Cub must sell at least 1 ticket to get his Expo Patch (see above)

Please wear your Scout Uniform when selling your tickets for good aadvertising. Also see that your Cub keeps track of his tickets and money so he can turn them in to his Den Leader to get more tickets they will be issused 5 at a time.

Tickets sold April 7th thru May 19th Only.

Cub Scout Adventure Day!

Cub Scout Adventure Day will be held on Saturday April 16 
at Frontier Homestead State Park Museum.
Our Pack will be going to session three 1:30-3:30
The cost is $2 dollars per Cub and Leader.

The boys had a great time last year and were able to pass a lot of required items off too and learn a lot about pioneer life.

If parents could drop their boy off at the State Park at 1:20 w/ $2 dollars in hand that would be great please plan on picking them up at 3:35. 

Any Questions please contact me our your Cubs Den Leader.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pack Meeting: March 29 2011

The Pack with to new Cubs Nathan & Taylor Knight.

Bear Band!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

March Events

March 22nd Deliver Scouting for Food Bags, meet at church 4pm

March 29th Pack Meeting 6:30pm

March Theme: Compassion
Compassion means being sympathetic to another persons distress with a desire to alleviate it.

Pack Meeting Assignments:

Set up- Dan and Landon

Prayers- Wolves

Flag Ceremony and Pre-Opener- Bears

Treat- Webelos