There will be no Pack Meeting this month because of the Scout Expo on the 21st. we will Be conbining May & Junes Pack Meetings on June 28th at 6:30.
Themes- May: Physical Fitness, June: Peserverance
Scout Expo Tickets must be turned in to your boys Den Leader no later than May 4th.
This year our Cubs will have a boothe based on Physical Fitness.
Summer Dates:
May 21st Scout Expo 8:30am-2:00pm (Cedar High Soccer Feild)
June 4th Cub Scout Day Camp 8:00am-1:00pm (Woods Ranch)
June 25th Webelos Day Camp 8:00am-4:00pm (Woods Ranch) Fathers are encouraged to attend.
June 28th Pack Meeting 6:30pm (Church)
*Their will be no Pack Meeting in July.
July 4th Independence Day Flag Ceremony 8:00am (Church Flag Pole)
July 24th Pioneer Day Flag Ceremony 8:00am (Church Flag Pole)
Aug 9th Pack Meeting Pot Luck Pic-Nic 6:30